Mauve and Yellow Army teams up with The Owl Centre.

I’m pleased to announce that, from now on, this blog will be published in conjunction with The Owl Centre, which offers a wide range of therapy services for children in many parts of England and South Wales.

From now on, the Owl Centre will be mentioned in the header at the top of each page and there will be a link to its website in the Blogroll running down the right hand side of each page. Similarly, I have made the Owl Centre a category which will appear in the By subject list at the top right hand side of each page which means that in the future readers will be able to access all articles about the Centre that appear on here by clicking on the link with its name. You’ll also notice an Owl Centre device on the bottom of every page and their website can be accessed simply by clicking on that picture.

The plan is to have periodical updates and news concerning the Centre on here, but, for now, City fan Rhodri Lathey is far better qualified to tell you more about it than I am – here’s a few words from Rhodri by way of an introduction;-

“The Owl Centre provides a range of therapy services for children across many parts of England, and in South Wales it offers Speech and Language Therapy, Music Therapy and Play Therapy through home and school (or nursery) visits.

The company was set up in 2011 by Nicola Lathey, author of the Small Talk series of speech-boosting books and a children’s Speech and Language Therapist. Since then, it has extended into over 20 counties, as new and talented therapists have joined the team.

The Owl Centre prides itself on its ethos of putting the needs of its clients first, and we’re very happy to receive email and ‘phone call enquiries from families and schools in order to offer advice and help where we can.

One of The Owl Centre’s directors is Philip Lathey, who has been a passionate Cardiff City fan for about 70 years. If anyone deserves a medal, it’s him!

Please see our website for more information:

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