Stubborn Bulut’s darkest hour after yet another home flop.

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2 Responses to Stubborn Bulut’s darkest hour after yet another home flop.


    The great joy of watching football is the occasional instance of perfection. We can see a perfect piece of ball control, a perfect tackle, a perfect header, a perfect example of position, a perfect at of bravery, a perfect pass, a perfect shot, a perfect goal, and – albeit occasionally – a perfect act of sportsmanship. We can even on occasions a perfect throw-in of the ball. I saw such an example of a perfect throw-in yesterday, unfortunately by a Middlesborough player.
    He threw the ball with perfect accuracy, with perfect trajectory (i.e., not looping), with perfect velocity, and perfect placed for a team-mate standing without being challenge which enabled him to use the pace of the ball and direct it into a perfect goal.
    The only player on the Cardiff side to direct a such a potentially effective throw-in of late was O’Dowda, but for one reason or another, not achieving it.

    From the City side, I think Tanner showed signs of his ability going wide and forward. Given continued determination plus opportunity and support to express himself he could be a vital contribution to the team and the scoring success of his colleagues. I sincerely hope to see Cardiff City achieving things after the current break.

  2. Big_Bill_Irwin_Fan says:

    TOBW – you say “little point in calling for the sacking this season of a man who would cost the club so much in compensation now if they decided to get rid of him”. If our club were astute they would have negotiated a clause in Bulut’s new contract which gave them the option to dispense with his services with no compensation after 8 or 10 games if we were struggling or in the bottom 6. I believe Tottenham did it in 2004 when Jacques Santini left suddenly after 13 games but we are a club who did not put a sell clause when we let Ross McCormack go cheaply to Leeds or when Semi Ajayi went to Rotherham (theses are just 2 examples).

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